Saturday, June 13, 2015

canterbury cathedral

front entrance of Canterbury Cathedral
Today, after a brief period of classes, we walked into the town of Canterbury and headed towards Canterbury Cathedral for a morning tour.

The church was founded in 597, rebuilt in 1077, enlarged in the 12th century, and rebuilt in the Gothic style following a fire in 1174. The church is famous for the martyrdom of Thomas Beckett, Archbishop of Canterbury who was murdered there in 1170.

detailing of the pulpit
The church is absolutely incredible. Stain glass windows detailing the miracles of Saint Thomas Beckett survive from the 1300's, tombs of heroes and monarchs litter the sides, chapels dedicated to saints ask for silent prayer and contemplation, and Gothic arches swoop heavenwards. I ducked down into the crypt to see some of the original 6th century structure still standing (wall paintings from medieval monks survive!). I lit a candle for the present day martyrs and also saw the throne on which the archbishop of Canterbury is appointed.
the exact place saint thomas was murdered
the ceiling of the quire
The place is a testament to faith and history, to heroes, to martyrs, to saints, to monarchs, to God. It buzzes with earthly whispers and spiritual essence. It is beautiful, and I cried, struck speechless.
the outside is lined with statues of kings and saints
the innermost sanctuary
Afterwards, we headed to a hamburger stand for one of the most delicious burgers I've ever eaten-- 8 oz of pure meaty goodness, sauteed onions, toasted bun.
yes please
After touring a bit of Canterbury (which, by the way, is absolutely adorable and quaint), we head to Cafe Nero for some much needed refreshment and homework.
americano is life blood
There were some lovely cafes, vintage stores, and cute novelty shops. I'm looking forward to exploring more tomorrow.

I seem to have caught a terrible cold, though, and have been sniffling for the past few hours. I took medicine, but I'm terribly congested and feeling just rather awful in general. Time for dinner (hostel food isn't doing much for me, by the way) and homework.

Feeling a bit homesick at the moment. Sickness will do that to you, I suppose.

Until next time, friends.

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