Tuesday, June 2, 2015

almost there


Between a paper on this exceedingly confusing poem, an exam on 17th century poetry, homework, and just generally being a cool person, I honestly haven't had the time to update this blog/have things worthy of an update.

I've just kind of hunkered down into my "GET STUFF DONE" tortoise shell and suffered through it.

I've taken to studying on Williston's front porch, though--
just sitting on a rockin' chair, doing my rockin' thing
What better place to read about Balinese Cock Fights or Baroque poetry?

Speaking of, check out this poem by Richard Crashaw, "Saint Mary Magdalene or The Weeper"  which uses a dazzling 185 lines to compare Mary's tears to a vast number of things, including pearls, sweat, brothers, and breast milk.

We also watched a British documentary in Travel Writing called 7 UP where film-makers interviewed British 7 year olds from different economic standpoints in 1964. They also interviewed them when they were 14 and then again when they were 21. It's fascinating seeing the differences between the private school prep kids and the public school or farm kids. Take a gander. It's worth it just for the accents.

This Wheaton weather has been a pain. Fluctuating between 80 to 40 degrees, this week has featured flashes of rain, wind, and bitter cold. Also, featured-- lots of naps from yours truly. However, when it's not spitting hell down on our sad little heads, the weather/campus can be quite beautiful.

i'm in love with that sky

indulge me and my flower obsession for a second
every once in awhile, you find a surprise or two

In other news, we are leaving from O'hare tomorrow at 3:00 pm. We will be arriving in London at 8:05 am tomorrow. Talk about jet lag.

Our hostel (London St Paul's YHA) is right near St. Paul's Cathedral, and also next to the Globe. We'll be seeing "As You Like It" and "Merchant of Venice" there. And yes, we'll be fulfilling the time-honored role of groundlings.

I also want to go to Tate Modern as well as some open door markets.

We have several days in London. Any suggestions what we should see/do?

this is to make it look like i'm packing
 We're almost off! Keep your fingers crossed for a safe arrival, kids.

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