Sunday, July 12, 2015

we go on a climb, I take pictures

Today, I awoke late (yay sleeping in! what a novel concept!) and took coffee overlooking the lake. Wow. That may just be the most pretentious thing I’ve ever written.

I wasn’t feeling church, so I watched a Beth Moore sermon online with my peaches and some Greek yogurt, afterwards wondering about the youth hostel to find a shower that wasn’t cluttered with hair.

Feeling clean and fresh, I ambled into Ambleside, the small town about a mile from our youth hostel. I joined some friends of mine at a small café where we lunched on traditional English breakfast food and scones. I then united with Dr. Galbraith & Co for a hiking expedition around 2 pm.

Yesterday, a few of my peers hiked to one of the mountain peeks nearby, but I was exhausted/wearing ballet flats so I didn’t join. The Galbraiths and I endeavored to hike the same mountain this afternoon, however we somehow missed the turning point for the trail. 
we made a friend & fed him carrots
We ended up going up an entirely different mountain peak which involved trudging through swampy sponge ground, navigating slippery rocks, and hiking through a small creek. 

up the path the Galbraiths go!
and we continue to amble

It was quite fun and the view at the top was incredible.


Then we hiked up another mountain before heading back down through sheep pastures.  Basically it was a pretty chill afternoon, I was just worried about twisting my ankle on some temperamental rocks.

through the... sheep pastures?
We headed back into the town around 5 and I gathered some groceries to take home for my family: digestives (a weird cookie/cracker hybrid), gummy babies, and Cadbury Oreo chocolate.

Got back to the hostel around six and greedily devoured dinner. Didn’t think I’d ever be thankful for hostel food, but you know. A four hour hike will do that to you, apparently.

Tonight is basically home-work and packing. One more day in the UK and then HOME.

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